New chicks and springtime.

The last batch of chicks has arrived until we pick up our blue Cochins on the 6th. Included in this batch were 2 Easter Eggers (Waffles and Seer), a blue splash Maran (Vera Wing), my Salmon Faverolle (Minerva, or Mimsy for short), and a silver aced Wyandotte for Dan.

Waffle's legs are turning green! Guess I will have green eggs soon.

Vera already has her pose down. 

I was also given a weeping blue atlas cedar by Dan. It looks just terrible and he was going to give up on it, but I am the queen of lost causes and I have claimed it as my own now. It lives in a big pot now awaiting a someday yard.

The older chicks have been outside for a few weeks now and they are thriving. Rosie is actually getting really pretty, making me glad I didn't decide to adopt her out to make room for another chick. 

The older chick's set up with Dan's awesome new raised beds for veggies.

Tulips finally popped.

Satchel and Rosie say bye until next time!


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