Chickens and Giggles

My niece Clara, accompanied by my sis and b-in-law came to visit the homestead this weekend! Yaye!!  And squeezed in between bouts of severe weather, there was a window of hopeful sunshine.  We didn't wait to ask questions, but grabbed rakes and gloves and exploded outside for some therapeutic yard work.  Everyone participated including the chickens and of course Clara (after her nap).
As springtime crept to within almost arms reach, all who were present worked devotedly to make the most out of every drop of sunlight.  Chickens on their rake feet and us with our only slightly useful rusty metal rakes newly discovered from the shed in the back, merged to clear the front lawn of all moldy leaves and dead grass.

The severe weather soon returned, and we quickly returned indoors after scurrying about battening down all hatches.  But whether the day's goals were to eat bugs or to make our property look less embarrassingly neglected, chicken and human met on a common playing field and shared in victory.


Love the chicken photo with Clara laughing in the background. How's the yard coming along?

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